NAB 2022: How to use major trade shows to reach your target audience

Martin Izzard

By in Blog
On April 6, 2022


Does the road to your end users take you through NAB in Las Vegas?

We recently kicked off our ‘Wish You Were Here…?’ campaign in which we’re helping marketers and PR teams in the media and entertainment industry make the trip to reach their destination: your target audiences. 

If your journey to reach the world’s leading broadcasters, studios or streamers takes you via the NAB Show then you’ve come to the right place. NAB in Las Vegas is an instrumental event for you to connect with audiences. But are you doing it in the right way? 

More than ever everything you do in marketing and PR – from brand positioning to how you speak in your external communications – is the beginning of the sales process. And while you know exactly what your final destination is, in order to arrive there unscathed, you need to have planned and undertaken your trip in the right way.

This is because we’ve seen a huge shift in the types of end users who attend the NAB Show. What used to be a show floor filled with broadcast engineers is now also teeming with buyers from film studios and streamers who have found themselves – thanks to a shift in audience demand – end users of their own production, post-production and distribution networks. 

Streaming, IP and moore’s law

Now streaming is the default for so many, every media producer, broadcaster, sports league and movie studio needs to stay in the conversation. That means competition in streaming has never been more fierce. 

With so much competition, media organisations have to bring out the big guns. Producing high-quality driven by big name IPs has never been more important. The division of movie- and TV-quality is no longer a thing; audiences want beautifully-made entertainment wherever they’re watching it and that takes technology and resources  

This leads to a need for constant innovation – thankfully something that the media production industry has always been characterised by. The last few years have seen the biggest strides forward, with new tech like virtual production and real-time VFX seemingly getting better every month. 

This series of major shifts across the industry means one thing. There’s a bigger pool of potential end users of a wider range of technology and service providers than ever. But to sell to them, you can’t communicate in the same way you have done in the past. 

Make your trip in the right way

Heading to NAB in Las Vegas is without a doubt a great way to connect with your audiences – existing or prospective. But you need to make sure you’re addressing them in a way that’s going to engage them. 

Studios are in the process of putting in place and making improvements to workflows that support brand new streaming services. But even while building new infrastructures, their goal in meeting audience demand is much more emotive and full of passion than other potential end users and your tone of voice needs to reflect that. 

Streaming-only businesses on the other hand, will respond better to more analytically-driven communications. They might be looking for the same kinds of technology which will help them improve their digital products but you need to be much more direct with the challenges you’re helping them to overcome and should highlight your technical expertise. 

Broadcasters have arguably seen the most change in what they need from their technology partners. As they continue to output news and live entertainment, they also need to make sure their digital offering is just as strong. With that in mind, communications aimed at broadcasters need to have a focus on transformation and ambition to be a part of creating the future of broadcasting. 

You know the destination. Here’s how to get there. 

If the journey to your destination goes through NAB in Las Vegas, make sure to plan it right. Our latest ebook ‘Wish You Were Here…?’ goes into more detail and offers lots more free tips and advice on how you can better connect with your target audiences.

You can download the ebook here or feel free to get in touch if you think we can help you plan your journey and reach your destination. 

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