Lorries in the news: tech PR for the French market

Tech PR for the French market
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The lorries are back in the news! Our Berlin-based French native Ghislain d’Andlau has written an article for O’Dwyers about the current growth in the French b2b technology market and the opportunity this offers for brands looking to expand their reach.

With France’s tech workforce the fastest growing in Europe and the value of the French tech sector continuing to rise, Ghislain explains why it would be a mistake for businesses to overlook the market when developing international PR and communications plans. He also delves into the media landscape and offers some advice to help businesses break through the noise.

“The French media landscape may be small, but the business opportunities certainly aren’t,” he says. “Investing in a proper communications campaign for France will ensure that you can make your voice heard in an oversaturated market.”

Click here to read the full article.

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