Meet the lorries: Guillaume Burroni

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By in Blog
On juillet 4, 2022


Meet Guillaume, who’s just joined our French team as an account coordinator. Here are his first impressions of the crazy world of #b2bPR and the lorries. 

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in working in b2b tech PR and marketing? 

Don’t be afraid of it, you may be a bit confused at the beginning but that’s normal! 

What skills are essential for your b2b PR role? 

Curiosity, persistence and diplomacy.

What is your favourite part of working in PR? 

Discovering the ‘behind the scenes’ of the media world.

What’s the best part of working at the lorries? 

Working with kind colleagues who will always help you when you have a problem. The flexibility is an added bonus!

What’s your guilty pleasure? 

Chocolate or cheese. French cheese obviously – sorry to the other teams…

What was your first/most unusual job? 

Working at a supermarket. Not unusual, probably what many of us did as a first job. 

Which three items can’t you live without to do your job? 

My water bottle, something to eat (biscuits, fruit…) and a comfortable workstation.

Which three people, dead or alive, would you choose to be on your team in a zombie apocalypse? 

Elizabeth II, Arnold Schwarzenegger and the primatologist Jane Goodall. Obviously, nothing to do with them being healthy despite their advanced age…

If you’d like to find out more about the lorries and our current job openings, click here, or drop us an email at

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