Meet the lorries: Aliza Rabbani

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On Oktober 6, 2022

Aliza meet the lorries

Aliza Rabbani is our newest PR account coordinator in London – and currently the youngest lorry! So, we thought it was high time we introduced her.  

What advice would you give to someone who is interested working in b2b tech PR and marketing?

Go for it! Don’t be hard on yourself as it takes a while to understand the industry – just learn as much as you can and try your best. Always ask for help when you need it! And takes notes on EVERYTHING.

What skills are essential for your b2b PR role?

Multitasking, being highly organised, having great people skills and a thirst to learn.

What is your favourite part of working in PR?

First and foremost, you’re always busy, so the time flies. And after you’ve put in all that hard work, it’s super rewarding to earn some coverage for a client.

What’s the best part of working at the lorries?

Working with people from different countries is great. Plus, obviously the culture. Everyone is cared for as an individual and there’s a great safety net when you need help. I also like the hybrid working aspect. Being in the office is good to get to know colleagues and a trip into London is always exciting. On the other hand, working from home is good for a lie in and a more relaxed atmosphere. 

 What’s your guilty pleasure?

Prank calling my friends.

Which three items can’t you live without?

Coffee, my PS5, and Vaseline. 

Which three items can’t you live without to do your job?

Coffee again! My planner and a 4-colours-in-one pen (one colour for each client!)

Which three people, dead or alive, would you choose to be on your team in a zombie apocalypse?

Bear Grylls for survival, Gordon Ramsay to cook, and The Weeknd for entertainment.

Want a job like Aliza’s? We’re currently hiring a PR account coordinator in London. Click here, or drop us an email at

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